Wide range of craig tax services : TeknoHits

The Tax Communication Center is ready to answer questions about taxes

In2006, Indonesia’s service tax  has developed   with the establishment of the Tax Relations Centre,  called Kring Pazhak, created by presidential directive No. 03 of 2006 on the climate investment policy package.

It is undeniable that the existence of Kring Pazhak is very helpful to people who want to ask everything about taxes withthe demique of this service as a tool of education for those who are still blind to taxes

So far, there are many people who do not obey taxes, not because they do not want to pay taxes. It is only that they do not understand the payment mechanism and the kinds of taxes they have to pay, however, with this service, people can ask freely.

Asking through this service is more convenient and efficient.  Because you don’t have to come to  the tax office  and wait in line for a long time, you can only ask more questions by phone, especially. Whenever and wherever you are still working, this service is trusted.

In addition to asking about taxes, the Tax Connection Center can also be used through The Kering Tax When you  encounter problems paying taxes. If you  are not yet familiar with this service, we will explain it as a solution to tax problems.

Wide range of craig tax services

The form of service from this tax connection center is an attempt by the General Directorate of Taxes (DGT) to make taxation more open in Indonesia and to touch all levels of society, so DGT started the tax cut based on the organization of the General Directorate of Taxes number PER-22 / PJ / 2014

Despite the services they serve, all walkies of life can contact the tax office at 500,200 this service  accepts questions about Levis’ income,  increasing  values,  land and buildings, for questions about tax returns and how they are calculated.

Kering Pazhak provides you with two types of services: the first service inside that serves all kinds of information, complaints, and agency communications. The second service is an office outsourcing service or an agent’s call to see a customer to resolve tax problems .

As technology advances, you can’t just contact tax agencies by phone. However, it can also be through the official complaints.pajak.go.id , email, or fax website. Thisis not just that, now you can even contact the official tax agency by speaking directly.

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This official service is here to help with tax services in Indonesia, because services are not sufficient by telephone alone and cannot serve all community needs for tax services.

Therefore, the General Directorate of Tax Communication Service  Access  has increased through online services. This is expected to increase tax services in Indonesia.

In order to enjoy the online tax service  , you must access the website pengaduan.pajak.go.id and create an account on the website. When the account is successfully created, you can disclose any questions or complaints  about taxes. After that, you must wait for the officer to respond.

  1. Cringe direct tax chat

The direct speaking tax lease was created to facilitate the mandatoryrequest for an annual tax return report. In addition, the service provides more information about everything about official immunity and any complaints

With this service, tax problems are widely available and are being questioned by everyone. Disclosure of tax information is also widely available to anyone without hesitation.

Especially for young people who like chat services, because they are lazy  to  visitthe office if they only ask about basic things anyway, these basic things are really important to know.

complaints and consultations through tax – churring

As explained earlier, the Tax Relations Centre service can take  on  a variety of complaints and advice about coercion for  all Indonesians.  The complaints that can be filed are:

  1. This is very common for tax  service facilities and infrastructure  , because sometimes there are facilities and infrastructure in tax services that have problems. In fact, it mixes with your comfort.
  2. The performance of tax office employees. Employees’ performance will certainly have a huge impact on an office’s reputation and service type. What’s more if it’s too sensitive in the field of taxes.
  3. Violations of the Ethics and Criminal Conduct Act committed by DJT employees are criminal offences in question For example, you have been rejected by a DJT employee.

At the same time, the advice you can  deliver through tax fees is:

  1. How to access all tax services. This often happens to ordinary people in the field of taxes and they don’t understand how to use all the services offered
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Benefits of The Kring Tax Service

This service from the  Non  –  Area Tax Communication Center  offers a great deal of benefit to payers  when compared to direct services facing   This benefit is available because Kring Pazhak has many benefits when compared to direct services.

The following are the benefits that Kering Pazhak has achieved:

  1. Save too much time , because you don’t have to come directly to the tax office and wait for a long time line. Even if you have a busy daily schedule, you certainly don’t want to spend time in the tax office. Therefore, having a cringe tax is very helpful.
  2. Detailed information is provided because it is sourced from official tax officers, so all information provided is guaranteed to be true.
  3. The result of counting the levi’s amount guarantees that it is correct, because the calculations made are applicable to the law. This is the same if you visit the tax office individually.

International Award for The Kring Tax for Knowledge

This program is one  of the world’s most innovative tax-related services  and has a major impact on Indonesian taxes. This is certainly just absurd, as various awards at international events have successfully won the service.

This invention won the DJT Award for Best Voice Center awarded in 2013 by the Indonesian Communications Association Not only that , then , Kering Pazhak was ranked first in the highest – ranking apache world center communications presenters in Singapore .

On this occasion , Kring Pazhak was awarded the best customer – small service The next international achievement is that this Indonesian – owned tax communications center won the highest accire of global apc contact centers in Las Vegas in the same year

Even on this occasion, one of the tax service teams was able to win a silver medal. This tentu is very proud of Indonesia, because it has a reliable service and is known by the world.

Kering Pazhak, with all his service inventions, has made Indonesians more concerned about the tax ease of access and good services provided, and of course makes anyone feel comfortable submitting complaints and consulting.

The tax connection center service  has also been proven to educate many people. Therefore, you should no longer hesitate to contact Kring Pazhak through all available platforms.

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